Category: Events
- November 15, 2014
"The first time I was in India was when I was 19, and now, here I am. In a strange way, I have come home."
- October 8, 2014
Dan Brown is to be guest of honor at this year’s Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF), which takes place from November 5-15!
- February 20, 2014 and DDB Brussels teamed up to offer 25 lucky readers a video chat and digital signing session with Dan Brown.
- December 31, 2013
The talk will be held at The Bushnell in Hartford, CT on June 7th. Tickets go on sale January 10th!
- December 10, 2013
The episode was pre-recorded in the Hall of Fame at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It will air on February 7th.
- November 22, 2013
Questions included, "You vs. Stephen King. Hand to hand combat. Who wins?" "Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton?" and "What is your advice to aspiring authors?"
- November 18, 2013
Dan opened the 30th anniversary celebration of Miami Book Fair International by giving a talk entitled, "An Evening of Codes, Symbols, and Secrets.”
- September 30, 2013
He will be giving a talk about science, religion, book publishing, filmmaking, and a few surprise topics.
- August 20, 2013
Monday night, Dan Brown surprised moviegoers attending a screening of Angels & Demons at Prescott Park by giving an on-stage interview before the show.
- June 16, 2013
After completing his European book tour, Dan paid a visit to the Water Street Bookstore to sign copies of Inferno for local readers.
- March 18, 2013
Dan Brown to speak at Lincoln Center in NYC on May 15, 2013
- January 8, 2013
Dan Brown was the featured speaker at a benefit for the 'Writers on a New England Stage' series at The Music Hall in Portsmouth, NH on May 18, 2012.