Category: Interviews
- October 17, 2017
- September 13, 2016
An interview with Dan about the new edition of The Da Vinci Code
- September 13, 2016
Dan talks to educators about the importance of turning kids [...]
- September 13, 2016
For more on what it is and why we believe in the importance of reaching young readers, watch this clip from an interview with Dan.
- May 19, 2015
Tom Hanks visited the Late Show & gave a hilarious impression of director Ron Howard filming an intense scene from Inferno.
- June 17, 2014
Since science and religion use “two different languages to tell the same story,” Brown said his books are a “quest to fuse those two worlds.”
- June 5, 2014
Dan joined WNPR's John Dankosky for a preview of their conversation this Saturday, June 7th at The Bushnell in Hartford, CT. The event is a benefit for The Mark Twain House.
- May 9, 2014
For one hour, Dan responded to as many inquiries as he could. When Shannon Alice asked him, "How many times have you been to The Louvre?" Dan responded, "Never enough."
- January 24, 2014
The BBC's Ros Atkins sat down with Dan to discuss music, writing, art, and inspiration.
- January 22, 2014
"I love writing a villain who does the wrong thing for the right reason."
- October 30, 2013
At 2pm on Wednesday, October 30th, Dan signed onto Facebook to host a Question and Answer session with his fans.
- June 21, 2013
The New York Times sits down with Dan to talk about his favorite books, characters, and writers throughout literature.
- June 9, 2013
Spain's El Hormiguero 3.0 interviewed the author to talk Inferno, gravity boots, and Dan's creative process.
- May 25, 2013
Excerpt from "An Evening of Codes, Symbols, and Secrets" at Lincoln Center, New York, NY. Dan answers a fan's question about what makes a book successful.
- May 25, 2013
Dan stopped by Charlie Rose to discuss storytelling, the Robert Langdon films, and Inferno.
- May 23, 2013
Dan discusses the joys of research and the lengths to which he must go to keep inquiring parties off the trail of his next novel.
- May 21, 2013
Excerpt from "An Evening of Codes, Symbols, and Secrets" at Lincoln Center, NY. Dan Brown responds to questions fans submitted via Facebook, Twitter, email, and mail.
- May 18, 2013
Dan sits down with Time's Belinda Luscombe to discuss Inferno, transhumanism, and Damien Hirst.
- May 16, 2013
Dan joins Morning Joe to discuss "Inferno," Robert Langdon, and his writing process.
- May 15, 2013
Dan Brown discusses Dante's "Inferno" and his love for puzzles with Stephen Colbert.