Category: Press
- February 20, 2020
Discover the project's origin story – more than 20 years in the making.
- October 5, 2017
"The book’s final destination reveals the essence of what Kirsch saw and created, and it inspires awe."
- September 13, 2017
Origin hit shelves on October 3rd, 2017.
- June 23, 2016
Entertainment Tonight stopped by the set to talk Inferno with Tom Hanks and Felicity Jones.
- February 23, 2016
BuzzFeed’s Isaac Fitzgerald sat down with TODAY and named INFERNO [...]
- January 1, 2015
Luitingh-Sijthoff named the Illustrated edition of Inferno one of the year's best books!
- November 15, 2014
"From his questions for Pope Francis to a script for a Bollywood film, the bestselling author's replies came off like words from one of his action-packed thrillers."
- July 10, 2014
Thrilled to announce that Planeta's edition of Inferno is the #1 paperback in Spain!
- July 2, 2014
The readers at, Slovakia's biggest online bookstore, have voted Inferno their Book of the Year!
- June 14, 2014
This past week, Inferno held its spot as the #1 best-selling novel in the US, the UK, and South Africa!
- January 24, 2014
For the third time since 2004, Dan Brown has written the best-selling book of the year.
- December 29, 2013
In their review, Janet Maslin dubbed it, "Jampacked with tricks…A BOOK-LENGTH SCAVENGER HUNT that Mr. Brown creates so energetically."
- December 17, 2013
Amazon has announced its bestselling books of 2013 and Inferno claimed the #1 spot on the adult list!
- December 2, 2013
"Again, Dan Brown skillfully creates a world of cultural and historical ambiance that is equal parts topical and controversial. This one is well worth reading and listening to!"
- September 20, 2013
In their 2013 Special Edition on Secret Societies, Time Magazine dedicates 28 pages to Robert Langdon and the secret societies that influence his world.
- July 3, 2013
Set in the locations featured throughout Inferno, the resulting images evoke the rich history and heritage of the city that plays such a significant role in the latest Robert Langdon thriller.
- June 26, 2013
With a set-up so cryptic, it reminds us of Digital Fortress.
- June 17, 2013
"...what Brown does in a way that appeals to millions of people around the world is tell stories that remind us there's more to the world than meets the eye."
- May 31, 2013
USA Today called it, "As close as a book can come to a summertime cinematic blockbuster...Brown builds up Langdon's supporting cast, which is the strongest yet."
- May 30, 2013
"Brown gives us lots of history and culture…but he puts the story first. Inferno is the kind of satisfying escapist read that summers were made for."