Category: Press
- May 26, 2013
"Jampacked with tricks…A BOOK-LENGTH SCAVENGER HUNT that Mr. Brown creates so energetically." - Janet Maslin, The New York Times
- May 18, 2013
The Wall Street Journal's Alexandra Alter joins Lunch Break to discuss details from her interview with Dan.
- May 17, 2013
People Magazine took a first-hand look at Dan Brown's home, touring the secret passages, mysterious symbols, and expansive library that make up what Dan calls his "Fortress of Gratitude."
- May 14, 2013
"Brown's prose style retains its much-loved originality...The pages fly by."
- May 13, 2013
“Inferno picks three of the world’s most strategically significant, antiquity-rich cities as its settings, and Langdon makes a splendid tour guide and art critic throughout."
- May 11, 2013
As a leading Dante expert put it, "Dante really wants us to find hidden meanings in his work. He had a great sense of humour and was deliberately vague to encourage mysteries. He would have loved Dan Brown."
- May 2, 2013
The May 6th edition of New York Magazine features a new article on Inferno, discussing facts, quotes, and thoughts about Dan's new novel.
- April 16, 2013
Two articles appeared in the April 15th edition of The Wall Street Journal.
- March 26, 2013
The March 21st edition of France's Le Point Magazine features a terrific article about Dan's upcoming novel, INFERNO - due out on May 14th via JC Lattes.
- January 8, 2013
People are lining up to buy Dan Brown's latest book, The Lost Symbol.
- January 8, 2013
Louis Bayard Reviews Dan Brown's 'The Lost Symbol'
- January 8, 2013
Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" isn't likely to raise hackles the way "The Da Vinci Code" did in 2003, but it is hair-raising and some Christians will take offense.
- January 8, 2013
Watch what happens to bloggers, booksellers, nitpickers, code crackers, conspiracy theorists, fans and overheated search engines when “The Lost Symbol” finally sees the light of day.
- January 8, 2013
Dan Brown's latest work, 'The Lost Symbol,' follows in the trail of the other books that have made the author a super-best-selling novelist.